Faculty of Science study room
The study room is on the ground floor of the Faculty of Science building. It holds a range of printed documents (including journals) focusing on main areas of study at the Faculty of Science. You can borrow documents to take home overnight or over a weekend. Only recent years of journals are stored at the study room itself; if you want an issue from an earlier year, you can order it and it will be prepared for you to view in the Jacquese Rupnik study room. There are computers (with internet connections), printing facilities, copying and scanning facilities, headphones, a cellphone charger, and a power cube. If you want to connect your own laptop using the wi-fi service, use the Eduroam network.
If you need the full texts of articles from journals published outside the Czech Republic, use the EDS / Ebsco Discovery Service. To create, administer and share bibliographic citations, we recommend the Citace PRO tool. If you need help using it, please ask a member of staff.
We also offer the Book Box (Knihobox) service – a quick and easy way of returning books borrowed via the University Library lending desk. The return will be processed in the system immediately.
Phone: +420 553 46 1210
Building L
Updated: 10. 01. 2025