
alphabetical order

University Library Management
+420 734 281 503
+420 553 46 1201
+420 553 46 1211
+420 604 581 676
Kostecká Šárka, Bc.
Head of Section
+420 553 46 1212
+420 734 281 499
+420 553 46 1213
+420 736 669 665
+420 553 46 1202
Department of Library Collections
Departmental Management
Kostecká Šárka, Bc.
Head of Section
+420 553 46 1212
+420 734 281 499
+420 553 46 1239
+420 553 46 1236
+420 553 46 1214
+420 553 46 1214
+420 553 46 1214
Library stocks
+420 553 46 1222
+420 553 46 1221
+420 553 46 1220
Service Department
Departmental Management
+420 553 46 1211
+420 604 581 676
University Library – Book Loans
+420 553 46 1204
+420 553 46 1204
+420 553 46 1225
+420 553 46 1204
Jacques Rupnik's Study Room
+420 553 46 1228
+420 553 46 1227
+420 553 46 1227
+420 553 46 1228
+420 553 46 1238
+420 553 46 1227
+420 553 46 1228
+420 553 46 1230
Faculty of Education Study Room
+420 553 46 1206
Faculty of Arts Study Room
+420 553 46 1207
+420 553 46 1207
Faculty of Medicine Study Room
+420 553 46 1209
Study Room of the Faculty of Fine Arts
+420 553 46 1238
+420 553 46 1227
+420 553 46 1228
Study Room of the Faculty of Science
+420 553 46 1210