
The University of Ostrava provides for its internal users prepaid access to a large number of eBooks. On this page you will find instructions, how to get to these eBooks, how to work with them, and thanks to that you will have the opportunity to work with Czech and foreigh titles from various publishers.

Where can I find eBooks?

  1. In our library catalog: https://katalog.osu.cz (purchased eBooks, eBooks within the Bookport subscription or digitized eBooks),
  2. in EDS (Ebsco Discovery Service): https://eds.osu.cz (purchased eBooks, eBooks within the Bookport subscription, titles available in Open Access mode),
  3. or on the platforms of individual providers (purchased eBooks and available in Open Access mode).

eBook providers

Bookport Cambridge University Press
EBSCO ebooks Elsevier
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Lecture Notes in Mathematics
National Digital Library Kramerius Oxford Handbooks Online
Oxford Medical Handbooks Online Peter Lang
ProQuest Ebook Central SCOAP3 ebooks
Springer Taylor & Francis

How are eBooks accessible?

eBooks can be accessed from a PC or mobile phone.

  1. Online access: within the IP address of the University of Ostrava or via the authorised remote access from anywhere you want.
  2. Offline access: downloading the eBook in parts or via e-loan for a limited period, e.g. via Adobe Digital Editions program.

Reading and downloading

Each publisher offers different options and functions for working with an eBook. The EBooks are accessible to 1, 3, or an unlimited number of users working at the same time, depending on the purchased license.

You can read eBooks online, download them, or print them. The extent of the download (number of pages available for download) depends on the permission of the specific publisher. EBooks are mostly available in PDF or ePub formats. Some platforms are only available for onlline reading (e.g. Bookport, Kramerius).

Rules for using prepaid e-books and electronic resources

The use of all electronic resources is governed by relevant license agreements. These resources can be used exclusively for studying and reserach purposes. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. Bulk downloading of data from individual sources in excess of current personal research needs is considered a violation of license terms and may lead to access being blocked.

Updated: 02. 09. 2022